It’s been a rather hectic summer for Hawaii Island with the Kohala wildfires and the tragic Lahaina fire. Upcoming events reflect the sadness and tragedy of the fire with opportunities to raise funds for those affected and displaced and gatherings where residents and visitors alike can share aloha and remembrances for the lost. Many of us in West Hawaii have attended donation drives and helped get needed supplies, food and equipment to those that need it most in West Maui. It will take years to recover, and residents all over Hawaii will be there to help where needed.
August 31-Sept 4-The Queen Lili’uokalani Canoe Races are held each Labor Day weekend
The largest canoe race on Hawaii Island takes over the Kailua Bay for this exciting event! Here is the race schedule: https://www.qlcanoerace.com/ql-event-schedule.asp Come be part of the fun and culture of Hawaii as hundreds of paddlers converge on Kailua Kona for a festive weekend.
September 2–Poke and Seafood Festival at Umeke’s Benefitting the Maui Fire Survivors

Do you enjoy seafood and poke and a chance to support those affected by the Maui Fire? Then sign up today for the Poke and Seafood Festival and attend OR volunteer! I sat down with the owner of Umeke’s to film this video so you can learn more: Bring the ohana, enjoy a special performance by The Steppas, keiki games & activities, food & drink, and the first-ever Umekes Poke Throwdown competition. The event features professionals and amateurs alike; vendor booths and fun from 4-8 pm. To be held in the parking lot of Umeke’s Restaurant (74-5599 Pawai Pl., Kailua-Kona). Tickets available at umekesrestaurants.com.
September 3rd-Maui Love Benefit Concert
Family friendly concert to benefit Maui victims from 11 am-7 pm. Live music, food & local crafts
75-5608 Kuakini Hiway Kailua Kona at Tony Honda
September 8-9 -Run For Hope Weekend
The weekend kicks off with the popular Taste of Hawaii Island culinary event on Friday at 6:00pm. Capturing talented chefs from around the Hawaii Islands in one place for an evening of tasty delights, drinks and island music at the beautiful Four Seasons Resort Hualalai. Price in advance for adults is $125.00, children 5-12 are $45.00 and children 4 and under are free.
On Saturday morning – the annual Run for Hope will take place at 7:00am with a 10k run and 5 k run/walk along the beautiful manicured resort landscape. The event concludes with refreshments and raffle prizes at the Hoku Amphitheater. Cost to enter is just $50.00 in advance – both include a custom t shirt. Registration begins at 6:30am with warm up at 6:45am and an awards ceremony follows.
There is also a golf tournament and tennis tournament. Join us for any one or all of these great events. You can register online at active.com or call 808-325-8000 and a form can be mailed, emailed or faxed to you.
September 15-17-Kona Pride Festival
Come join three days of fun at the Courtyard by Marriott King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel from 1-5 pm. 9 events including YOGA, POOL PARTY, and TEA DANCE! Tickets are $150 for an all access pass. Purchase tickets here. Vendors are being sought now.
September 30- Bark to the 80’s – Benefit for Hawaii Island Humane Society
Come bring your 80’s vibe and come to the Shops at Mauna Lani from 4-8 pm for this dog friendly event to raise funds for The Hawaii Island Humane Society.

October 14, 2023
There will be community events during the run up to the race itself in Kona. These usually include a parade, a fun run and Athlete’s Village. Check the website as we get closer to the event. https://www.ironman.com/kona-community-events
Looking to volunteer for Ironman? Over 5000 volunteers are involved in the production of the biggest race in Hawaii! Join in on the fun and meet new people and be part of something AMAZING! Check out the volunteer page:
October 28, 2023
Visitor Aloha Society of Hawai’i, Hawai’i Island, (VASH, a 501(c)(3) organization), serves as a temporary lifeline to provide initial assistance to visitors who have been victims of a crime or other adversities while on the island. VASH assistance is designed to help visitors cope with and recover from a variety of unfortunate situations, i.e. lost documents, crime, medical emergencies, or death of a loved one. VASH receives referrals from the Hawaiʻi County Police Department, local hospitals, airport security and others. Each situation is assessed individually and appropriate support services are offered. Volunteers are the heart of VASH. The services to visitors are made possible through the generous contribution of time and talents from a diverse group of trained and compassionate volunteers. With their help and aloha, VASH assists in hundreds of visitors each year. This Golf Tournament fundraiser will feature a four-person scramble on the famous Mauna Lani Golf, South Course, with Registration at 8am, and a Shotgun Start at 9am. Deadline for Registration is October 10. There will be lunch and Door/Team prizes following. For more info, call Rachel at 808-960-2338, email admin@VASHBigIslalnd.org or visit VASHBigIsland.org.
October 28, 2023
The race will take place from 6:45am till noon at 71-1646 Hawai’i Belt Rd. The 10K run starts at 7:45am and is an “extreme trail running experience” featuring a 1200 ft. elevation gain in the first 3 miles. The 5K starts at 8:00am and is suitable for most people and jogging strollers. The keiki run starts at 8:30am and is perfect for little legs as well as parents. Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a is home to several species of endangered birds and many endangered plants, some of which are found nowhere else in the world. Proceeds from the race events contribute to conservation of these species. Registration is required. To reduce waste this year, the event will be cup-less; a collapsible, reusable race cup will be included in each registration packet. PLEASE NOTE: No pets are allowed, as there are endangered nene geese in the area. Cost: $40 per entrant. Sign up early, as prices will increase as race day approaches, and there will be no same day registration. For more information visit the Akaka Foundation for Tropical Forests website at akakaforests.org.
October 29, 2023
To take place from 1-5pm. Featuring some of Hawai’i’s best slack key players. Admission charge at the door; no pre-sale tickets. Llivestream available at www.facebook.com/slackkeyfesivals; youtube.com/hawaiianslackkeyguitarfestivals.
October TBA, 2023
This free event, which will take place at the Kona Commons Center parking lot near Office Max/Petco, will be hosted by Hawaii Racing Assn. Cars will be decorated for Halloween and will offer treats, music, a costume contest, and giveaways.
West Hawaii has some great events coming up! If you know of others that you would like to share or upcoming events for the Fall, email me at Julie@Ziemelis.com. Please share this calendar to support our awesome business owners and events planners!

The event calendar for West Hawaii is sponsored by the 365Hawaii Group of Keller Williams Realty Big Island. Team members are Julie and Eric Ziemelis, Realtors and founders of 365Hawaii YouTube channel, the 365Kona Newbies Group, Hilo Newbies Group and Kohala Newbies Group. Our focus is making Big Island a better place to live by creating community and opportunities for Aloha.
Thinking of buying real estate or just learning more about purchasing a home? Join our 365Ohana! or email Julie at Julie@Ziemelis.com