Looking for an adventure that most people visiting Hawaii for the first time would most likely never discover?
We created a “Discover North Kohala” video to take you to North Kohala to discover Kawaihae to find the best burger and fish taco, Spencer Beach to see endangered Nene geese, the abandoned pier and mill of Mahukona, one of the most sacred of all heiau’s (sacred temples) in the Hawaiian Islands, Mo’okina Heiau and we wrap it up in the charming town of Hawi.
Do you want to learn more about Spencer Beach Park beyond our suggestion of taking your Kohala Burger and Taco meal and enjoying it there? Here ya go: http://hawaiibeachsafety.com/big-isla…
We didn’t get to take you into Lapakahi State Historical Park due to COVID issues, but we DID let you see it from the air. If you wish to learn more about this amazing village, check out their website.
(Point of interest is the Kona Field System which is how the Hawaiians used water to grow the crops and that due to the plantations, the water was diverted away from the village.)
We DID take our 4WD truck, which you will need if you want to drive all the way to Mo’okini Heiau. If you want, you can leave your car at the Upolu Airport. http://airports.hawaii.gov/upp/ and hike along the coast. The hike along this coastline affords a spectacular view and on a clear day, you can see Maui across the channel.

When we arrived at the Mookini Heiau, we stepped onto the well manicured grounds with a bit of trepidation. This heiau is a “luakini” heiau, meaning animal and human sacrifices were made here. There is interesting history here as to the man who came to build this heiau and how he brought the kapu system which remained in place for hundreds of years until in 1819, Liholiho, son of Kamehameha I, who was born near this heiau, broke the kapu system and changed the lifestyle of Hawaii forever.
Learn more about this fascinating and culturally historic heiau and how to get there on the Big Island Hikes site.
When we arrived in Hawi, most of the businesses were shut on a Sunday by 4 pm. When tourism comes back, we hope to see the Bamboo Restaurant re-open and hear the Sweet Potatoes is open now. The boutiques and galleries really make this quaint town a fun place to explore.
Are you considering buying a home on Hawaii Island? We offer a complimentary matchmaking service to Realtors, mortgage professionals and more! Here are resources we offer: * Facebook: “Kona Newbies” https://www.facebook.com/groups/KonaN…